I can't believe S is almost 4 months old already, it honestly feels like the time since her birth has just passed in a blur. She has developed so much in 3 months its crazy, she is really starting to become her own little person which is amazing to see and be a part of.
The point of this post is so that I can remember later on the key things that have happened and to reflect on the last 3 months of her life.
I plan to do a full post on my issues with breastfeeding, but I'll do a quick overview now. Due to issues such as tongue tie and low weight gain, we were unable to sustain a successful breast feeding relationship. I decided around 6 weeks that I would commit to full time expressing for as long as I could manage both physically and mentally and we've made it past the 3 month point which was a huge achievement for me. S is now approximately 90% breast milk fed and 10% formula fed.
As time goes on I am just getting more exhausted as I am still expressing every night around 4-5 am so never get a proper nights sleep as S is still waking up at least once a night as well. I plan to keep up expressing into the foreseeable future, hoping to make
it to 6 months at this stage and then we'll go from there...
We had our first sleep through the night on Sunday, but it hasn't happened again since. S generally goes down around 7pm, and I dream feed her around 10 before I go to bed. If I dream feed her, she generally sleeps to around 4am if we're lucky, during growth spurts she will be up at 12, 1.30, 3 etc... but its not normally that bad. After being fed around 4, she will sleep to 8 or so which is a decent enough time. I'm hoping now we're past 3 months she will start sleeping longer, but it doesn't look like we'll be able to stop her night feedings any time soon.
We started gymbaroo and swimming at 14 weeks. She loves both, and has a bigger social life than I ever did!
We also finished our 6 week mum and bubs yoga course, but met some lovely ladies there that we catch up with still.
S's favourite things include lying on my lap whilst I sing to her, rolling, bath time, and her lamby comforter.
I'm having a hard time remembering, but I believe S started properly holding her head up when on her tummy around 9 weeks. She also started social smiling around this time too, maybe a bit earlier at 8 weeks.
S stared rolling back to front at 14 weeks, she can roll half the length of the house now! She is getting frustrated when on her tummy as she can't move forward.
No signs of any teeth yet which I'm glad about, from what I've hear teething doesn't sound like much fun at all.
Mummy update
Health wise, I am pretty much back to normal. I have been back exercising since about 8 weeks, but still have about 4kg left until my pre-birth weight. In saying that, I'm not too worried about losing weight at the moment as feeding S is more important and I don't want my supply to decrease anymore. The only issue I have at the moment is the exhaustion, but I'm sure its all part of being a mum and will get better over time.
Its hard to believe she used to be like this, a small newborn baby who didn't do much but sleep, eat and scream:
Who is now this lively, smiley, beautiful baby:
Becoming a mother has been a huge adjustment and is definitely the hardest thing I've ever done, but also the most rewarding. There is nothing like going into her room in the morning and having her greet you with a huge smile ready to start the day.